Specialists save a young person with a rare tumor from spinal cord damage and irreversible brain risk

An Institute of Security and Social Services of State Doctor specialists save a young person with a rare tumor from spinal cord damage and irreversible brain risk
With successful surgery of high complexity, oncologists and neurosurgeons of the National Medical Center (CMN) "November 20" of the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (Issste) "we free from bone marrow damage and irreversible brain risk a 31-year-old girl affected by a rare tumor called cervical cordoma, of very low frequency; it is
"The tumor was limiting the mobility of my hands and feet, I began to lose sensitivity on the right side, and even the muscles of my breathing, which caused me to have difficulty breathing. I was prostrated in a wheelchair and to get up I had to help myself with a cane," shared patient Víctor Alan Cabrera Sánchez, a worker at the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).
"I am very grateful to the Issste and the CMN '20 de Noviembre' for the excellent attention of the surgeons, of 10. In addition, I am happy, because after the surgery I have regained my balance, mobility and my autonomy."
It is the first case of cervical cord tumor diagnosed in 25 years: neurosurgeon Cuauhtémoc Gil
The general director of the institute, Pedro Zenteno Santaella, congratulated and praised the work of the multidisciplinary team of specialists who participated in this case. Combining technology, human resources with experience, multidisciplinary attention and humanism, this type of results are achieved focused on the greatest health benefit, as is the case of Alan, who was rescued from a condition of progressive deterioration.
"With the help of the surgical oncologists who approached the tumor on July 3, the neurosurgery team of this hospital performed the high specialty procedure and managed to remove up to 90 percent of the lesion, with which we managed to decompress the spinal cord and the nerves that were trapped, obtaining a functional recovery of the patient 24 hours later, and it has been increasing until
"Alan's quality of life has improved dramatically and, above all, we managed to return him to his normal life in optimal functional conditions. He no longer needs a wheelchair or braces to get around."
"Alan arrived at the CMN with a diagnosis of cervical cordoma after a previous surgery performed at the Tláhuac General Hospital, where a titanium box was placed to support the damaged vertebrae and at that time they decided not to intervene the tumor due to the risk of injuring compromised brain structures. Unfortunately, it continued to grow, causing complications.